Ethiopia Dry Process Tesema Mamo
Tesema Mamo has an earthy sweet smell of sorghum syrup, and dark fruit tones while they are sublte they add complexity to the cup. Full City roasts bring out oaky chocolate and bittersweetness with the berry notes a bit more pronounced at the darker roast level. Subtle floral aroma, with cup flavours opaque, bittersweet, and dry leathery fruit notes. Think very subtle strawberry, 85%+ cacao bar, aromatic balsa wood, and dried goji berry. I like the cup at Full City to Full City + (medium to medium/dark). I prefer this coffee as a black cup or naked espresso.
Suitable for Drip & Espresso style coffees.
Roast Level: Medium to medium dark (Full City to Fully City +)
Size: 340g